rdesktop over Java Applet

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The best method for thin clients is to present a desktop session using rdesktop, since thin clients are generally not equipped to execute the Java RDP web client.

The Java applet enables all of the functions implemented in rdesktop. Because rdesktop does not support the seamless display nor the universal printer in NetMan Desktop Manager, these functions are not available when this launch method is used. The following is a complete list of the functions not supported by this method:

Seamless windows

Universal printer driver

Session sharing

Client printer

Serial ports

Smart cards

Remote Desktop Acceleration


All other settings are supported. With this launch method, a JSON file is generated and processed in the browser by JavaScript, which then creates the actual applet in the domain structure. The NetMan Web Service uses the rdpjava.json file, located in the <%NMHome%\System\web\templates\Launch\ directory, as a template for the JSON file.