Anonymous Users

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Your NetMan Desktop Manager system gives you anonymous user functionality in the Remote Desktop environment. Anonymous users are typified user accounts for authentication in Remote Desktop sessions. This mechanism is particularly useful if you provide applications for a large number of users for whom accounts cannot or should not be maintained explicitly in the Windows-user database. Classic uses include the following:

Providing a single ERP application for all suppliers or potential customers

Providing applications in the intranet

Permitting access to a library catalog for employees and for other universities

Centralized presentation of CD-ROM/DVD databases for a university campus or the information management department of a company


If you select Use NetMan anonymous users as the login method in the Session Host, application sessions are opened with the credentials from anonymous user accounts.

Before you can use anonymous users in NetMan, you need to set up the anonymous user accounts. For details on setting up anonymous users, see "Setting Up Anonymous Users".