One-Time Login over NetMan Client

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You might wish to have users login just once on NetMan Desktop Manager before calling the applications published by NetMan Desktop Manager. To activate one-time login on the NetMan Client, select the NetMan Client section in the NetMan Settings and open the Session Hosts page:


warning Prerequisite for this login method is the activation of Single Sign-On on all Remote Desktop Session Hosts that serve application sessions. For details on activating single sign-on, see "Single Sign-On".




After the NetMan Client is launched and the first time an application session is called, the user is prompted to enter login data for all session calls. Following successful login on an application session, the user does not have to log in again until the next time he or she launches NetMan Client.


warning The down arrow next to the "Domain" field opens a list of all available domains in the network. These are not necessarily the same as the login domains for the Remote Desktop Session Host. You can restrict the choices offered in this list to a certain set of domains by storing a list of the desired domains in a template file called Standard.ndp. In the [Connection] section in that file, use DomainList to store the desired entries, separated by commas. For example, if you wish to permit login only in the MYDOM1 and MYDOM2 domains, change DomainList=@NM_LIST_DOMAIN to DomainList=MYDOM1,MYDOM2.