License Monitor

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The License Monitor lists the number of licenses defined in NetMan Desktop Manager and the number of them currently in use. The main window shows the License window on the left and the Detail window on the right:




The buttons below the License View let you switch the view from one Monitor to another within the NetMan Monitor.

The License window shows all available license definitions. The following information is shown for each license definition:

License ID

License type (concurrent use, named sites)

Total number of licenses

Number of licenses in use


If a license is not currently in use, its license icon is grayed out.


The Detail window shows the users and stations who are using, or waiting for, licenses managed by the license definition selected in the License window. For concurrent-use licensing, the icons indicate the status of each entry as follows:


License in use; user working with the application.


The user is waiting for a license.


The display for per-seat licensing (named-site licensing) differs from that used for concurrent-use licensing. Because in this case, all licenses have fixed user or station assignments, the Detail window shows that all licenses are in use. Icons indicate the status of each license as follows:


License in use; user working with the application.


The license is assigned, but the application is not currently in use.


Information on license definitions:


NetMan user ID


NetMan station ID


Location of the station

NetMan start date

Date on which this station last ran NetMan

NetMan start time

Time at which this station last ran NetMan

Program start date

Date on which the program was opened

Program start time

Time at which the program was opened


The following functions are available in the Ribbon, at the top of this window:

New. Generates a new license definition.

Edit. Lets you edit the license definition selected in the license window.

Release. Releases the license selected in the Detail window. Releasing the license does not close the application, as that would require a new start by the next user, which might violate your software end-user agreement.

Used by. Opens the Object Inspector and shows the references assigned to the selected license.


tip Do not release a license until after you have checked whether it is actually in use or not. A license might not have been released even though it is no longer in use, for example if the client station was not shut down properly.


warning When you release a per-seat license, the user or station it had been assigned to is removed from the license group entirely.


warning The NetMan start date and time must be equal to or earlier than the time stamp shown for program start, otherwise the license is invalid.


tip The Location detail makes it easier to identify the station. For connections over RDP, this field shows the login name for the station, not for the RDP session. With the default settings, the Location field shows the name of the first user to login from this station. This value can be modified as desired, however, in the user properties. Users are NetMan Resources which you can edit in the NetMan Center.