Secondary Installation


On a blank server which you wish to set up as a secondary NetMan Desktop Manager server in the replication system, you need to perform a secondary installation, rather than a normal installation, of NetMan Desktop Manager. Performing a secondary NetMan Desktop Manager server installation is detailed in the following.


tipp_72 If you wish to reconfigure an existing NetMan Desktop Manager installation for use as a secondary NetMan Desktop Manager installation, see "Configure Secondary Server". 


1. Run the NetMan Desktop Manager installation program, e.g. by executing the Setup.exe file.


2. On the 'Welcome' page, click Next and then confirm the license agreement.


3. Under Select the target path, specify the target directory for your secondary NetMan Desktop Manager installation and click on Next.


4. On the Select components page, choose Optional components:




5. On the next page, select NetMan server installation (secondary database instances):




6. On the Share for NetMan Desktop Manager page, select the share name of the secondary installation directory.


7. On the NetMan Server Host name page, in the IP address/host name field, enter either the host name or the client IP address of your primary NetMan Desktop Manager server:




8. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click on Install:




The secondary installation of NetMan Desktop Manager is executed.


9. After installation, on the InstallShield Wizard completed page, click on Finish to conclude the installation.


After you install the server component, the installation of the NetMan Client starts automatically. Install the NetMan Client as described in the chapter entitled "Install NetMan Client".