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A NetMan Collection is group of NetMan Scripts. They generally contain a selection of applications or hyperlinks that you provide to your users. The NetMan Client can integrate Collections in the Windows Start menu or the Windows desktop. You can use the NetMan Web Client to present your Collections in the NetMan Desktop Manager Web Interface. Collections are created in the NetMan Center, and edited in the NetMan Desktop Manager Collection Editor. All existing Scripts in the system are listed in the Collection Editor. You also have the option of creating scripts while working in the Collection Editor. For example, when you use drag & drop to move a program shortcut to the Collection Editor, this opens the Script Editor. The Collection Editor also offers you the option of copying program shortcuts from the Windows Start menu directly into a new Collection.

This chapter provides an introduction to creating Collections:

For more information on working with the Collection Editor, see "Collection Editor".

For details on creating Collections and adding Scripts to them, see "Create Collections".

The technique of copying selected Start menu entries into a Collection is described in detail in "Create from the Start Menu".

For details on publishing your NetMan Desktop Manager collections, see "Publishing Collections".