Create URL Scripts

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Scripts are created in the NetMan Center. To open the NetMan Center, use the NetMan Tools shortcut on your Windows desktop. The following description explains how to create a URL Script:


1. Open the Script view: Click on Scripts in the sidebar to open the Scripts view.


2. Select script type: Click on URLs in the sidebar.


3. New: Click on the New button in the ribbon


4. Enter a name: In the Create a new NetMan script dialog, enter a name for the Script in the Name field and, if desired, a description in the Description field:


warning Tick the box next to Open the new object in the editor to have the script automatically opened in the Script Editor. Alternatively, you can open the script yourself once it has been created.


5. Create the Script: Click on the Create button. If you ticked the box next to Open the new object in the editor, the Script Editor now opens automatically with this Script loaded for editing. Otherwise, double-click on the Script to open it in the Script Editor.


6. Open URL page: Open the URL page.


7. Enter URL: On the URL page, enter the desired Internet address in the URL field.


8. Save script: Click on Save in the ribbon to save the script.


tip Click on Save and close if you want to save the script and close the Script Editor.


The script is now available in NetMan Desktop Manager and can be added to any or all of your collections. For details on creating collections, see "Create Collections". You can also create collections directly from the entries in the Start menu. In this case, you specify the desired collection contents and NetMan Desktop Manager creates the scripts automatically. For details on creating collections from a Start menu, see "Create from the Start Menu".